Adam and Eve Sin – Apple

For this craft, children will tear paper to create an apple with a bite taken out of it. As they create the apple, you could discuss with them the story of the first sin found in Genesis 2-3. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and we do too. You could have the children think of ways they disobey God by having them name one sin for each piece of paper they tear. Talk about how sin displeases God and “tears” us away from Him. But, God is so gracious that He made a plan for us to come back to Him through Jesus Christ. The glue could represent Jesus. We can become one with God if we confess our sins, believe Jesus died to take our sins away then make Him Lord and Savior of our lives. Isn’t God awesome?!!!


  • Cut partial circle out of white construction or cardstock paper (template below), this is the craft backing
  • Half sheet red construction paper
  • Cut 2 leaves out of green construction paper (template below)
  • Print or write the Bible/lesson point onto a 1″ x 2-5/8″ address label (Avery 8160) or paper


  • Glue


  • Tear red construction paper into pieces and glue them to the craft backing so they cover the entire partial circle to form a bitten apple
  • Glue the leaves to the top of the apple
  • Adhere the Bible/lesson point to the craft


Print making sure the image takes up the entire sheet and doesn't get scaled. Here are some properties you may see in the print dialog:

  • DO NOT "Fit to page" or "Shrink to fit"
  • Select "Fill Page", "Actual Size", or make sure Scale is set to 100%
  • "Borderless Printing" should be ON, or make sure there are no margins set
  • Select "Auto Portrait/Landscape" or make sure the image is not sideways on the page

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