Bible Lesson: The Israelites Cross the Jordan River
Passage: Joshua 3:1–4:24
- Print either Altar of Thanks page (below) onto any color paper you desire
- Print either Thankful Squares page (below) onto any color paper you desire then cut out the 2″ x 2″ thankful squares.
- Glue
- Crayons, if desired
- Let each child choose six picture squares for things they would like to thank God for.
- Instruct them to glue one thankful square to each block on their altar page.
- If desired, have them color their craft.
Print making sure the image takes up the entire sheet and doesn't get scaled. Here are some properties you may see in the print dialog:
- DO NOT "Fit to page" or "Shrink to fit"
- Select "Fill Page", "Actual Size", or make sure Scale is set to 100%
- "Borderless Printing" should be ON, or make sure there are no margins set
- Select "Auto Portrait/Landscape" or make sure the image is not sideways on the page